About Us
Specialists in Orthopaedic & Comfort Footwear
Perth’s Orthopaedic & Comfort Shoe Specialists
Since 1984, Perth Surgical Shoemakers & Wembley Shoes have been making and supplying quality custom-made and readymade orthopaedic and specialised footwear in Perth. Our mission is to assist Western Australians with problem feet and ankles, enhancing quality of life.
Wembley Shoes
Our retail outlet, Wembley Shoes, specialises in ready-to-wear, quality comfort shoes, offering the largest selection of styles and sizes in medical grade and specialised footwear in WA Some of the internationally-acclaimed orthopaedic footwear brands stocked in our Wembley Shoes store include:
Drew, P.W. Minor, Finn Comfort, Ziera (Kumfs), Rockport, Brooks, Semler, Xsensible, Theresia M, Confortina, DB, Pulman, Wide Load, Piedro, Markell, and many more.
Perth Surgical Shoemakers
At Perth Surgical Shoemakers, we provide pedorthic assessment services, a fully customised shoemaking service, as well as shoe modifications to specialised footwear bought at our retail outlet Wembley Shoes, or any shoes purchased elsewhere that require quality orthopaedic customisation from our team. These services include Orthopaedic consultant services, custom-moulded Orthotic Insoles, Ankle Foot Orthotics (AFOs) / Callipers, and Shoe Repairs.
Our fully qualified and highly skilled Pedorthists, Orthotic specialists and Orthopaedic Consultants work closely with each client to ensure all custom-made surgical grade footwear (shoes and boots), modifications to existing footwear, orthotics, and repairs are carried out to the very highest standards. This is why we are renowned as the comfort shoe specialists.
Pedorthic Assessment Services
We can help you deal with pain, discomfort and disabilities of the lower limbs with a complete pedorthic assessment. The assessment is carried out by a certified Pedorthist or one of our highly qualified orthopaedic / surgical shoemakers. They assess lower limb bone alignment, movement pattern, general function of the foot, as well as the interaction of your foot with the rest of your body.
A typical assessment will include taking a history of previous painful episodes, a physical examination of the palpation of feet bones, testing the range of motion within the foot, gait analysis and a full footwear consultation.
Custom Made Footwear
The Perth Surgical Shoemakers’ team has been making made-to-measure footwear for over 30 years. We manufacture surgical footwear from measurements and tracings and / or casts of feet to ensure comfort, support, and pain relief. Find out more about our services as surgical shoemakers.
Footwear Modifications
Our certified Pedorthist and surgical shoemakers provide a pedorthic assessment service and modify almost any kind of footwear to adjust for differences in leg length and other foot, leg, and joint problems. Because our footwear modifications are carried out on the premises, we are able to offer a fast and personal modification service. Find out more about our modifications to footwear purchased both at our Wembley Shoes outlet or elsewhere.